Thursday, October 25, 2012

Video: Candidates tied in most Colorado polls

>>> leading colorado 's early vote . republicans have cast 39% of the ballots, democrats 37%. let me in bring in colorado congresswoman diana dagett. a lot to it talk about. first, let's talk about the ground game. you have former colorado democratic party chairman. he's now an independent pole ster. he told t"the washington post " that president obama should be doing better, and he isn't. it's the worst swing state of the bunch of them according to this quote here. what is your take on the ground game there?

>> well, i traveled around the state last weekend with a group of people, and i've been going to the early voting centers and to the staging areas. i've been involved in politics 30 years and never seen a better ground game than the obama ground game in year.

>> why is it so effective. why are you impressed this year especially over four years ago which is tremendous.

>> it's better than four years ago. we have field offices, the obama campaign over 60 field offices throughout the state of colorado to roughly 19 that governor romney has. what that does is it lets people go out right into their communities and canvas and get the early votes. in some votes places, they had two or three times the number of people that they thought they would have to go canvassing. yesterday we had 16,000 people in denver. some went to the polls to vote right there. people were getting people out. really, i have never seen a better ground game than this obama ground game.

>> you have with the president. you showed us earlier you weretic alreadily fired up regarding the remarks made by richard mourdock the senate candidate out of indiana . he said his words were twisted. earlier senator john mccain demanded an apology or alluding to the fact he would take back his endorsement. that all changed. senator mccain is still endorsing. the ad features governor romney is all up in indiana . i say that to point out, though, there's one ap poll indicating that the gap between governor romney and president obama when it came to female voters was all but done, closed according to that new ap poll . combine those two stories, how does that affect women in colorado or the vote women present election day when this is happening in indiana ?

>> well, colorado has a tradition of defeating both ballot initiatives and candidates who take such extreme views as the ones richard mourdock said. two years ago michael bennett was elected to the senate bucking the tide to colorado . he did it by appealing to women voters. his opponent took similar views to mourdock and governor romney and paul ryan . he supported this personhood amendment. he was against abortion even in the case of rape and incest. we won that senate seat because of this. these issues are all over the state of colorado right now. you know, the polling is not instantaneous, and i think you're going to see a real shift in these polls once women in particular start to realize it's not an isolated example with, for example, representative akin saying this. it's a pervasive view throughout the republican party , and don't forget, paul ryan has voted for her proposals in congress that say exactly this.

>> congresswoman, thank you so much for your time. you've been busy, and perhaps not as busy as the president but hanging in there yesterday in colorado . thank you very much. greatly appreciate your time.


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