Thursday, January 31, 2013

PM to discuss Africa terror threat

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Never mind swanning off to Algeria! get our country sorted out first you silly bastard!stay there you pretentious, self-centred, obnoxious, selfish, two faced BASTARD.

hope they use you for target practice.

Please get amnesia and think you are native to the country and refuse to come back to the UK !

i hope he gets taken hostage! and we don`t negotiate with hostages mwah ha ha ha lol. mind you if they shoot him in the head they`ll miss his brain by a good 6ft lol

lol@him and his "scary" face

what a knob head, pretending to fix everyone else's problems instead of ours.

the whole of europe is laughing at us and all he wants to do is run off-anywhere apart from this country, where his loyalties SHOULD lie.

Do the country a favour and go there alone, with any luck a terrorist cell will grab you and do Britain a favour and dispose of the Crap

He cannot run this Country so he's going over there to try and run theirs! Lets hope they keep him.

Hope he bloody stays there.

think youve caused enough trouble over there already david

mmmmmmmm... Algeria eh?....mmmmm... country where militant islamists are kidnapping and murdering westeners..mmmmmmm..?..

With only a one way ticket perhaps. I bloody hope so.

Is it me, or has anyone noticed that, the heads of government from Norway, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Poland, Rumania, etc, etc, never seem to get themselves involved in this sort of issue! So why is this dangerous dictator Ca'Moron

Algeria, another former French colony with continued close ties to France..... where is the French president, nowhere to be seen.... he has more sense, and will happily let the stupid British stick their heads down the toilet!

David Cameron is travelling to Algeria as he steps up efforts to tackle the growing terrorist threat in northern Africa.

I feel sorry for north africa, if David goes over there to help them like he's helped Brittain they are ******ed.

Sort the country out? this moron couldn't sort the alphabet into its proper order.

I heard that this idiot has come up with a celebration for next year. He wants us to celebrate the start of the first world war and the start of the slaughter of millions. Yes he is that thick and stupid. First time I have ever heard of or found this act anything other than an absolute bloody disgrace. Then the pratt will no doubt think it is then ok to turn up on remembrance day. Only a nasty **** could come up with this one. I suggest that the useless dimwit stays away from all acts of remembrance and not make a mockery of the event.

I hope he is going to ask for some of their much larger army, than ours ever will be again, to help sort out AFRICA's problems. He cant sort out our problems?so **** chance does he have there!!

hope the ragheads get him no good here hes killing the poor and the weak

I put 3 comments on here last night they have mysteriously disappeared why I thought that?we were entitled to freedom of speech, or is it a case of only if you approve it first.msn.??

This man has a face I would never tire of slapping!

You mean we were stupid enough to pay for a return fare? What dumkoff passed this expense.


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